Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Here's Something I Bet You Didn't Know...

According to a chart, published within an article by the American College of Sports Medicine, tested athletes sweat at the following rates:

What this shows, for instance, is that of 130 male soccer players tested during summer training,  the mean lost 1.46 liters of sweat per hour.  Again, the mean replaced 0.65 litres of fluid which left them with a change in their Body Mass of 1.59%.  As mentioned in a previous post a 1% loss of BM can seriously hamper performance.  Anything over 2% is considered downright dangerous.

Similarly, 21 male winter competition half-marathoners tested, lost 1.49 litres of sweat, only replacing 0.15.  This left them with an incredible 2.42% deficiency.

We all know that dehydration causes cramps, fuzzy eyesight and even fuzzier thinking.

Now, here's the thing, it's not just about replacing fluids.  As we hear from Gale Bernhart 
"It is much easier to determine your sweat losses during exercise than it is to determine your electrolyte losses.  Do you need to take electrolyte tablets or are the electrolytes in your energy drink enough?  Unfortunately, there is no easy and universal answer to that question. According to Noakes, it is "the amount of sodium and potassium in the body that determines the water balance, not the other way around." Therefore, your electrolyte balance affects your hydration balance.  Remember: your body likes balance. Consuming too much water and no electrolytes during extended exercise is not good and can cause hyponatremia. Consuming too many electrolytes with too little fluid is not good and can cause your body to retain fluid rather than releasing it for cooling purposes."  

So, what IS the solution here?  REVOH2O of course.  With essential electrolytes encapsulated in liposomes able to be absorbed instantly, your body will call for the correct amount of liquid to balance itself resulting in proper hydration.

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