Thursday, February 2, 2012

C'MON MAN...'s that time of year again.

But while you are watching the game this weekend, here's something to think about:

How can professional athletes, sweating profusely in the heat of competition, be sidelined with cramping due to dehydration?

Chris Syms - Texas Longhorns - Ronald Martinez/Getty Images

You see it game after game after game after game.
You see the towels on their heads, the squeeze bottles in the hands of the trainers, the cups on the bench, the cooler on the table.
So what’s wrong?
Could it be that with some drinks 
“you can’t get enough in you?”
or that
“you can’t get it in you when you need it”?
Isn’t it time that the sports drink myth - that they’re effective hydration in competition - came to an end?
These drinks have been stepped on more times than bad weed since the first one came out in 1965.
They’re not the same drink anymore,
they haven’t gotten better and they don’t work when it counts!

Who’s kidding who?


Now there’s RevoH2O

It delivers instant hydration, when you need it, when the going gets tough.

 It’s SUPER hydration that works because it begins absorbing in the mouth the instant you drink it and reaches the bloodstream fast without breaking down.

Only RevoH2O is nano encapsulated to deliver electrolytes and antioxidants quickly and directly to the bloodstream, where it’s needed. 

RevoH2O doesn’t pay athletes to endorse it – it speaks for itself. 

Use RevoH2O to stay hydrated and avoid cramping that takes you out of the game. 

Stay in the game, with RevoH2O.


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